Peninsula Center Library has 18 study rooms available:
- 12 rooms (A-L) accommodate up to 3 people
- 6 rooms (M - R) accommodate up to 8 people.
- All rooms may be reserved in 30-minute increments up to 2 hours.
- Only 1 study room may be reserved at a time.
Study rooms may be reserved for a group or private study.
- You must have a PVLD library card to reserve a study room.
- Reservations can only be made on the day of use.
- Rooms are not soundproof, please be considerate of your neighbors.
- If you do not show up to your reservation within 10 minutes of your scheduled reservation time, your room may be reserved by another patron.
- You must reserve a room to use it. Check-in with the reference desk if you would like to claim a vacant room after the 10-minute grace period to make your reservation.
By reserving a PVLD Study Room, I agree and understand the Library Board Policy 5020.6, and violation of said policy will result in suspension of study room checkout privileges and may result in suspension of library privileges at the discretion of the District Director.
You can only book one reservation at a time. If you need another reservation after this one is complete, please see reference desk staff.