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2024 top ten 4

Dreams of Another World by Chiwa T.

I stand there huddled in the corner of a bathroom stall, cowering in fear as the demonic figure slowly approaches me. It’s cramped in this stall and there’s not much room I can move back or squish into. 

Just minutes ago, I was in my math class and I’d seen this cat-like demonic figure slowly approaching my desk. Nobody else had seen it, it was just me. I had slowly raised my hand and asked to use the restroom. 

Now I was huddled in that corner and fingering the knife in my pocket. I was glad that my mother made me carry such a thing, I mean it wasn’t safe in L.A. The cat continues approaching and I hold the knife in front of me, taking deep breaths. 

I feel like I’ve seen this cat somewhere before…where? It stalks closer and its previously blurry image solidifies. Indeed it is a cat. 

It has a shadowy looking black fur and bright red eyes. Still terrifying, but terrifyingly cute. The cat is taking its sweet time before it stops, slightly out of the range of my knife. 

Without a moment to spare, the cat jumps up and into my arms. My knife wavers and dips downwards and the cat lands safely on me, its claws tear my sweater slightly and I quickly grab it with my left hand to prevent anymore damage to my clothing.

“What-” I say before it promptly falls asleep and a knock comes on my bathroom stall.

Oh crap, oh crap.

I have a knife and a cat in my hands. How do I explain that? Mrs. Emma’s voice, my math teacher, comes through the stall and she says its been 10 minutes since I left the class for the bathroom.

But- it hadn’t been- had it been 10 minutes?!

I awkwardly try to put the knife back in my pocket before I open the stall door. I have no further plans or excuses for the cat-

That is no Mrs. Emma’s outside my door.

“What-What are you?!” I ask as I stare at the figure before me.

The thing in front of me is like the cat. Blurry and unfigured unless it got really close or you were specifically looking for it.

It has no shape and is just a floating mist with a pair of radioactive yellow eyes.

I try to get my knife but both of my arms are holding the cat and I can’t really do anything.

There’s a whistling sound as the monster tries to attack me. Key word: tried. The cat that was resting in my arms stirs for a moment before it moves in a blur. Faster than you could process, the monster lay dead on the floor. How did the cat kill- What?! The cat landed on the sink on the other side of my stall only this time it’s not a cat anymore.

“Hey-” The cat boy says and I stare in shock.