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2024 top ten 2

1912 by Yanki S.

We have done it! After years of hard work, we have accomplished our goal. We didn’t know when to go first, but we knew to go somewhere in the future.

“I wanna see robots take over! Do the year 4500!” yelled Kailyn.

“Why would you want that? We would get killed if we went to that year.” Sophia replied, trying to talk some sense into Kailyn.

“Guys!” I yelled, my friends were surprised at my reaction.

“We need to get serious. We’ve spent almost 2,000 hours working on this, I won’t let us spend it on something that’s for fun like that.”

“Jeez, we’re kidding, chill out.” Kailyn said. She playfully nudged me, accidentally hitting our machine, causing a chaotic scene, and swept us through a time lapse of history. We landed forcefully, unaware where we were.

“Sorry, okay? I didn’t know that would happen, but we have to find where we are right now.” Kailyn apologized.

The three of us approached the closest person, she was dressed in expensive looking clothes.

“Excuse me, ma’am,” Sophia began. “ Where and what year are we in, exactly?” The woman replied in a strong British accent, questioning us not knowing about being in Southampton, England, in 1912. We darted away to avoid questions.


“1912?! That’s over 100 years ago!” Kailyn sounded scared, and all of us felt in the wrong place next to the well-dressed locals. At that moment, I realized something significant had happened in that year.

“HOLY CRAP. Do you think the Titanic has sank yet?” realizing the importance of our area.

When we reached what seemed to be the town, a crowd surrounded a boy passing out newspapers.

“ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL! COME SEE WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TITANIC!” He stated. We sprinted toward the crowd. Sophia grabbed the paper and read the headline.

“The unsinkable ship has sunk!”

“Okay, guys, I’m glad our machine works, but we need to figure out a way to go back to the present. Though, while we are here, we might as well have some fun.” I said, lightening up my friend’s faces. We ran around, seeing and stealing all kinds of food and items. As night fell, we began planning our return.

The machine required us to return from a high point, and I had the remote to open the portal. We managed to get a ladder to the top of a roof. Pressing the button, we landed on what seemed to be the present time, we were relieved. I destroyed the remote, ending the stressful day. The time machine became our secret, one we would take to our grave.

Walking, we noticed strange things. The grass was blue; something was off about the humans. Walking closer to the town, we realized that half their bodies were robots. Looking at the crushed remote in my hand, I knew that we were in the wrong time, with no way of getting back. What were three teenage girls going to do?