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2024 top ten 1

An Unprovoked Appearance by Erin C.

“Well, who said it won’t work?”

My lips parted into a sly grin, the continuous challenging from my frustrated friend making me laugh.

“Maybe we should just try it, y’know?” I leaned against the wall, watching her amusedly.

“God—“ She dropped her head into her hands and rubbed her face. “It’s just, come on, have you even thought about what would happen? What if it was for nothing? What if— what if you messed up? Magic has consequences and you’ve somehow managed to avoid your karmic debt for—“

“Okay,” I yelled loudly, trying not to think about my close calls with the karma gods. “Fine—“

“—Why would you even trust a creepy old shopkeeper who told—“

“—Cause I’ve always wanted—“

“—To go out, I know, but—“

“—Then this is the perfect opportunity! So what if I die? This— people have been looking for a way to escape for years!” I took a deep breath and swallowed, remembering the disaster a few years back. My friend sighed, knowing I had spoken the truth.

Closing my eyes, I whispered hopefully, “Maybe—“

My usually tough classmate winced and looked away. “No. Not that idea again, please.”

An awkward silence elapsed between us and I opened my eyes to stare at her gravely. I considered the possible risks but decided to push them away and focus on the possibilities.

“Y’know,” I suggested, trying to lighten the mood, “I wonder why it’s me.”


“Why couldn’t he have done it himself?”

She stared at something behind me and mused, “I don’t know... Maybe he was some minor karmic god trying to get you to pay your debts.”

I chuckled and slowly picked up the worn scrap of paper that sat on my desk. My eyes passed over the messy, scribbled handwriting for the hundredth time, only pausing to decode the occasional ink blotch.

“I don’t think I can convince you anymore,” I heard her say.

“You’re right,” I agreed with a small smile.

But suddenly, there was a sudden whoosh of hot air, as calming as a warm breeze on a spring day, followed by a sharp sizzling sound as water hits a burning pan.

Just then, before I could do or say anything else, a magical portal opened in my bedroom.